Armour Class: 4
Hit Dice: 1+2**
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: 2
Damage: 1-6/1-6
No. Appearing: 1-4 (2-20)
Save As: MU3
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: G
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 23
A mask (called vek in the creature's native tongue) a small, gangly-limbed humanoid roughly the size and shape of a goblin, its flaky-scaled rust body concealed under all-enveloping robes of bruise-purple, ash grey or blood-brown. The creatures' epynomous chalky mask, featureless and yet somehow faintly demonic, never leaves its gnarled face and yet somehow does not obstruct the basic necessities of life.
Each mask wields a ragged shard of some unknown phosphorescent crystal as a personal focus. This shard is not used to attack directly, but to direct bolts of magical energy (flames, electricity, stunning cold or stranger things) at opponents up to 40' away twice per round. Each such bolt inflicts 1-6 hit points of damage.
A mask cabal is led by a 3HD great mask with the spellcasting ability of a 4th-level MU, attended by 2-7 underlings of 2HD and the spellcasting talents of 1st-2nd level MUs. Occasionally a mask or cabal of masks may lead a warren of goblins -- or, more rarely, kobolds -- to much more threatening heights than those minor humanoids usually reach.
Masks take damage only from magic or silver weapons.
Just a little blog for posting various creations for the BECMI / Rules Cyclopedia edition of Dungeons and Dragons. All hail the Red Box!
Updated whenever possible with a little something, whether a monster or spell or item or just a little list of whatevers.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Magic Item: Corpselife Ring
Corpselife Ring: Known in some circles as Daviane's Ring for the minor magister that -- supposedly -- crafted the first known example, corpselife rings vary widely in size, design and ornamentation. The only trait which any given rings have in common is their composition: a corpselife ring is made up of filaments of bone and black iron of various thicknesses, twisted together in a strange mottled composite. All known corpselife rings have been finger-rings, though tales suggest at least one bangle has been crafted with the same enchantment.
A corpselife ring initially grants a simple magical effect, usually a +1 bonus to Armour Class and saves in a similar manner to a low-powered ring of protection. It is when the bearer of a ring is killed that its true purpose asserts itself -- 1-4 rounds after death, the bearer of a corpselife ring "resurrects" as a free-willed undead creature, gaining the following traits:
- Alignment immediately shifts to Chaotic, if applicable.
- Curative magic no longer functions, but bearer may "heal" themselves by consuming living flesh and blood, regaining hit points on a 1:1 ratio of damage dealt. 50% of bearers gain a paralysis ability similar to that of a ghoul.
- Bearer gains subsceptibility to turning, etc using level +2 as Hit Dice.
- If the undead bearer is destroyed, their soul is dissipated with no chance for resurrection.
Rare examples of the corpselife ring additionally grant an immunity to nonmagical weapons to the undead transformation.
A corpselife ring initially grants a simple magical effect, usually a +1 bonus to Armour Class and saves in a similar manner to a low-powered ring of protection. It is when the bearer of a ring is killed that its true purpose asserts itself -- 1-4 rounds after death, the bearer of a corpselife ring "resurrects" as a free-willed undead creature, gaining the following traits:
- Alignment immediately shifts to Chaotic, if applicable.
- Curative magic no longer functions, but bearer may "heal" themselves by consuming living flesh and blood, regaining hit points on a 1:1 ratio of damage dealt. 50% of bearers gain a paralysis ability similar to that of a ghoul.
- Bearer gains subsceptibility to turning, etc using level +2 as Hit Dice.
- If the undead bearer is destroyed, their soul is dissipated with no chance for resurrection.
Rare examples of the corpselife ring additionally grant an immunity to nonmagical weapons to the undead transformation.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ten Dragon Traits
Sometimes you just have to mix things up a bit. Maybe the PCs are bloody effective at what they do, or maybe they just know all the stats ... whatever the reason, a little variety is always good ;3
Being honest, I could probably better call these "critter traits"; they were written up for dragons but -- with a merest smidge of tweaking, and maybe some thematics -- could be applied to almost any beastie. (I have a sudden terrifying image of a swarm of giant rats ...)
Don't forget to bump the XP awarded appropriately ~!
Roll for a selected trait or simply pick one from the table below. If you're really feeling frisky, roll 1d4 times:
01. Primal Energies: Instead of (or in addition to!) the dragon's breath weapon, its claws and fangs are wreathed in the same damaging forces that compose said breath weapon. Double the damage of these attacks (2d4 instead of 1d4, etc). Appropriate immunities will negate this extra damage.
02. Phaseshift: Every 1d3 rounds the dragon is simply ... not all there, partially fading into some other dimension of existence. Attacks at this time fail 75%; on the upside, the dragon has the same situation.
03. Runic Ablation: Whether an aura of ghostly flame, orbiting glyphs, a transparent, shimmering energy field, glowing channels carved through the scales or most anything else, the dragon has a buffer against damage equal to 1/3 of its hit points. This buffer must be negated before the dragon itself takes damage. Half the instances of such fields affect physical damage, half magical damage.
04. Blood Scion: When reduced to half or less of its hit points, the dragon may produce a blood scion from its spilled life, effectively creating a draconic simulacra resembling a dragon of its type and 1/3 of its Hit Dice. The scion acts as directed by the dragon, lasts for 1 day + a number of days equal to the dragon's Hit Dice, and has a range of 100 miles.
05. Reservoir: Altered by magitech, the dragon bears a oily, slowly-shifting carbuncle mounted in orichalcum and black iron clockwork imbedded in its flesh. The carbuncle contains an additional 1d3 breath weapon uses, regenerating over 48 hours -- and this breath weapon need not match the dragon's own.
06. Life Siphon: The dragon is a psychic vampire, feeding on the pain and injury of those around it. For every four hit points of damage dealt to other creatures within 100' feet of the dragon, the beast regenerates one hit point.
07. Artefact Maestro: The dragon can make use of any and every magic item it may possess, whether warping them (to fit rings on claws, for example) or imbedding them into its scales in order to draw on the item's enchantment. It may expend breath weapon uses instead of using up charges or expending one-use items.
08. Death Curse: Not so useful in combat (unless the dragon has a way of making that impending doom abundantly clear), but a wonderful parting shot. With its dying breath the dragon lays down a major curse on the creatures that ended its life -- DMs, be horribly creative.
09. Master of Nature: All stone/plants/water/flames/more esoteric materials within 1d4+1x100 feet of the dragon may be affected by the beast as if by move earth, stoneform and related spells. Choose one substance, or 1d4 for added malevolence.
10. Godling's Beneficience: The dragon may grant a fraction of its power (a breath weapon equal in damage to its Hit Dice, a half-strength claw attack, a one-shot spell if the dragon has casting ability) to a number of subordinate creatures equal to twice its Hit Dice.
Being honest, I could probably better call these "critter traits"; they were written up for dragons but -- with a merest smidge of tweaking, and maybe some thematics -- could be applied to almost any beastie. (I have a sudden terrifying image of a swarm of giant rats ...)
Don't forget to bump the XP awarded appropriately ~!
Roll for a selected trait or simply pick one from the table below. If you're really feeling frisky, roll 1d4 times:
01. Primal Energies: Instead of (or in addition to!) the dragon's breath weapon, its claws and fangs are wreathed in the same damaging forces that compose said breath weapon. Double the damage of these attacks (2d4 instead of 1d4, etc). Appropriate immunities will negate this extra damage.
02. Phaseshift: Every 1d3 rounds the dragon is simply ... not all there, partially fading into some other dimension of existence. Attacks at this time fail 75%; on the upside, the dragon has the same situation.
03. Runic Ablation: Whether an aura of ghostly flame, orbiting glyphs, a transparent, shimmering energy field, glowing channels carved through the scales or most anything else, the dragon has a buffer against damage equal to 1/3 of its hit points. This buffer must be negated before the dragon itself takes damage. Half the instances of such fields affect physical damage, half magical damage.
04. Blood Scion: When reduced to half or less of its hit points, the dragon may produce a blood scion from its spilled life, effectively creating a draconic simulacra resembling a dragon of its type and 1/3 of its Hit Dice. The scion acts as directed by the dragon, lasts for 1 day + a number of days equal to the dragon's Hit Dice, and has a range of 100 miles.
05. Reservoir: Altered by magitech, the dragon bears a oily, slowly-shifting carbuncle mounted in orichalcum and black iron clockwork imbedded in its flesh. The carbuncle contains an additional 1d3 breath weapon uses, regenerating over 48 hours -- and this breath weapon need not match the dragon's own.
06. Life Siphon: The dragon is a psychic vampire, feeding on the pain and injury of those around it. For every four hit points of damage dealt to other creatures within 100' feet of the dragon, the beast regenerates one hit point.
07. Artefact Maestro: The dragon can make use of any and every magic item it may possess, whether warping them (to fit rings on claws, for example) or imbedding them into its scales in order to draw on the item's enchantment. It may expend breath weapon uses instead of using up charges or expending one-use items.
08. Death Curse: Not so useful in combat (unless the dragon has a way of making that impending doom abundantly clear), but a wonderful parting shot. With its dying breath the dragon lays down a major curse on the creatures that ended its life -- DMs, be horribly creative.
09. Master of Nature: All stone/plants/water/flames/more esoteric materials within 1d4+1x100 feet of the dragon may be affected by the beast as if by move earth, stoneform and related spells. Choose one substance, or 1d4 for added malevolence.
10. Godling's Beneficience: The dragon may grant a fraction of its power (a breath weapon equal in damage to its Hit Dice, a half-strength claw attack, a one-shot spell if the dragon has casting ability) to a number of subordinate creatures equal to twice its Hit Dice.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Some Random Potion Tables
... so much for posting more regularly. *facepalms*
Here's a little something I was tinkering around with at work last night, a handful of little tables for generating unusual and/or more detailed potion descriptions.
Potion ...
1. pomegranate
2. amber
3. colourless
4. inky
5. rosy
6. emerald
7. prismatic
8. roll twice
1. opaque
2. pearly
3. swirling
4. quivering
5. translucent
6. bubbled
7. iridescent
8. fizzing
1. water
2. thin syrup
3. thick syrup
4. powdery (add water or choke!)
5. sticky
6. gelatinous
7. solid
8. pasty
Smells Like
1. grass
2. sewage
3. honey
4. nothing
5. roses
6. undead
7. bread
8. smoke
Tastes Like
1. bakeapples
2. blood
3. rain
4. seawater
5. peanuts
6. wine
7. bone
8. earth
Contained In
1. crockery jar
2. glass flask
3. small skull
4. rough stone
5. leather skin
6. wax tube
7. metal phial
8. hollow jewel
1. no
2. accurately
3. falsely
4. accurately (magical)
5. falsely (magical)
6. "belongs to"
7. "made by"
8. changes daily
Here's a little something I was tinkering around with at work last night, a handful of little tables for generating unusual and/or more detailed potion descriptions.
Potion ...
1. pomegranate
2. amber
3. colourless
4. inky
5. rosy
6. emerald
7. prismatic
8. roll twice
1. opaque
2. pearly
3. swirling
4. quivering
5. translucent
6. bubbled
7. iridescent
8. fizzing
1. water
2. thin syrup
3. thick syrup
4. powdery (add water or choke!)
5. sticky
6. gelatinous
7. solid
8. pasty
Smells Like
1. grass
2. sewage
3. honey
4. nothing
5. roses
6. undead
7. bread
8. smoke
Tastes Like
1. bakeapples
2. blood
3. rain
4. seawater
5. peanuts
6. wine
7. bone
8. earth
Contained In
1. crockery jar
2. glass flask
3. small skull
4. rough stone
5. leather skin
6. wax tube
7. metal phial
8. hollow jewel
1. no
2. accurately
3. falsely
4. accurately (magical)
5. falsely (magical)
6. "belongs to"
7. "made by"
8. changes daily
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Magic Item: Earth's Ending
The sun was swallowed whole, and Jie Chue swept swiftly towards his forge as the sun's darkness touched the earth beneath his feet, only to pause as a shadow fell across his own.
Dust-worn and weary the traveller stood, his trials plain and his oaths plainer still; bled dry to his core, betrayer and betrayed against his knowledge. Jie Chue nodded once.
The stranger he gifted with the earth's own darkness and a single breath:
Keep loved ones close, and hated ones closer.
Earth's Ending: This sword is heavy and broad of blade, sharpened on both edges and coming to a blunt point. The blade is forged of one piece with the hilt from a mottled, tawny-bronze alloy and is shot through with silky black marbling along the length of the blade itself. Earth's Ending possesses a simple grip of brown jasper plaques carved with indentations for curled fingers; its quillions are simple, heavy and swept back slightly, its pommel a heavy bronze ring bearing a tassel of tawny leather braids.
Earth's Ending is a two-handed sword +2. Its damage is considered aspected to elemental earth; it inflicts half again its damage against all creatures of the air. At will, the wielder of Earth's Ending may choose to bestow one or more of the blade's bonuses to a companion within 100'; this earthen embrace bestows a bonus to Armour Class equal to twice the blade bonus gifted in the form of a flexible skin of tawny stone, until two turns pass or the the blade's wielder revokes the embrace. When this ability is invoked, the veins of darkness in the sword beat once.
Once the embrace has been bestowed 2-12 times, Earth's Ending promptly erupts in a roiling mass of ink-black energies, engulfing all within a 20' radius of its bearer. This scorched earth inflicts 3-12 hit points of damage on all caught within its reach save for the wielder of Earth's Ending, who instead takes -2 to Strength and Wisdom for twenty-four hours. The count then resets.
Dust-worn and weary the traveller stood, his trials plain and his oaths plainer still; bled dry to his core, betrayer and betrayed against his knowledge. Jie Chue nodded once.
The stranger he gifted with the earth's own darkness and a single breath:
Keep loved ones close, and hated ones closer.
Earth's Ending: This sword is heavy and broad of blade, sharpened on both edges and coming to a blunt point. The blade is forged of one piece with the hilt from a mottled, tawny-bronze alloy and is shot through with silky black marbling along the length of the blade itself. Earth's Ending possesses a simple grip of brown jasper plaques carved with indentations for curled fingers; its quillions are simple, heavy and swept back slightly, its pommel a heavy bronze ring bearing a tassel of tawny leather braids.
Earth's Ending is a two-handed sword +2. Its damage is considered aspected to elemental earth; it inflicts half again its damage against all creatures of the air. At will, the wielder of Earth's Ending may choose to bestow one or more of the blade's bonuses to a companion within 100'; this earthen embrace bestows a bonus to Armour Class equal to twice the blade bonus gifted in the form of a flexible skin of tawny stone, until two turns pass or the the blade's wielder revokes the embrace. When this ability is invoked, the veins of darkness in the sword beat once.
Once the embrace has been bestowed 2-12 times, Earth's Ending promptly erupts in a roiling mass of ink-black energies, engulfing all within a 20' radius of its bearer. This scorched earth inflicts 3-12 hit points of damage on all caught within its reach save for the wielder of Earth's Ending, who instead takes -2 to Strength and Wisdom for twenty-four hours. The count then resets.
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