Saturday, September 5, 2009

Monster(s): Elemental, Shining / Shade

Elemental, Shining or Shade
Armour Class: 0/-2/-4
Hit Dice: 8/12/16**
Shining: fly 240' (80')
Shade: 180' (60'), "burrow" / swim 210' (70')
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1-10/2-20/3-30 (see below)
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: C8-16
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1200/2125/2950

Set above and yet apart from the rarefied (air, fire) and chthonic (earth, water) elementals respectively, the shining and shade elementals are living embodiments of the elements of light and darkness. Like all elementals, they are native to their own elemental planes of existence; unlike the "lower" elemental types, they may also be encountered freely within the elemental planes of their related elements.

Shining and shade elementals function in the way manner as standard elementals unless noted otherwise. Like standard elementals, they may be summoned by staff, device or spell.

Shining: A shining elemental appears as a lacy pattern of twisting, weaving light -- the purest of white, the brilliance golden of sunlight, a riot of prismatic colours -- 1' tall and 1' in diameter for every Hit Die of the elemental. In combat, individuals opposing a shining elemental must save vs. charm or be dazzled, taking a -4 penalty to to-hit and damage rolls for the duration of the combat. These elementals inflict an extra 1-10 hit points of damage on aquatic creatures and creatures of the earth, twice that again against creatures of darkness. Shining elementals take double damage from darkness, normal damage from earth and water, and minimum damage from air, fire and light.

Shade: A shade elemental appears as a coiling, quivering, effervescent mass of fluid darkness 1' tall and 1' in diameter for every Hit Die of the elemental. In combat, individuals opposing a shade elemental must save vs. paralyzation or have their spirits weighed down, able to act only once every two rounds for the duration of the combat. These elementals inflict an extra 1-10 hit points of damage on flying creatures and creatures of heat or flame, twice that again against creatures of light. Shade elementals take double damage from light, normal damage from air and fire, and minimum damage from darkness, earth and water.

Both shining and shade elementals are immune to non-magical weapons.


Tomira Eliyes said...

Predictably, I think these are neat. :D

taichara said...


Sweet :3