After once again having not only no interest in posting for months but in fact a visceral aversion to the very idea of posting, I have concluded it is time to officially hang up the hat.
I may be back again; perhaps an official clean break is what I need to feel remotely interested -- or comfortable, for that matter -- with resuming activity once again. But if I'm honest about it, I've been less than enthused for a long, long time; I don't like what I've seen, and been seeing.
And you know what? My gaming-related activities are supposed to be fun.
All this in the blogosphere? Not fun.
The hamster hoard will remain where it is for archival purposes. I said once before that I would never delete my blog to spite others who may be interested in some segment of it, and I'll stand by that. But for the time being an archive is all it will be.
Erin, I hope your decision is a load off. If it's not fun, there's no point. Take care and all the best.
Well poo.
Understandable if you're not enjoying it. But pleeeeeease keep the blog up! I've seen other bloggers announce a hiatus and promise to keep the blog up, then 12 hours later it's all gone. This blog is way too awesome to suffer such an ignominious fate.
Even if you never make another post, thank you for all the awesome work you've shared with all of us!
Appreciated, thank you.
Thank you very kindly. And as I said above, the hoard's not going anywhere -- I need to step away, but I'm not about to be a bastard about it.
Thanks for the years of really great content! I'm sad that you're leaving. Your blog was one of the first that I subscribed to back when I started lurking the OSR blogs a few years ago. I'm especially thankful that you're leaving your blog up. Thanks for that.
Hopefully we'll see you return in the future, but even if we don't, you've already contributed more to the OSR than most bloggers have. Thanks.
Thank ye kind for the kind words.
I'm hoping, I admit, that at some point I'll feel better about it all and have the drive to come back -- I miss enjoying posting and trundling around the blogosphere. I'd like to doing it again. So, here's to hoping --
Love your blog. You'll be missed. Hope to see you back at it again someday...
Your blog will be missed.
Sorry to see you go, but if posting is more of a chore than it is fun, then you're making the right decision.
Sorry to see you go. I hope you come back soon!
Take care fishing and hope to see your return soon. You will be missed. :)
You'll be missed, but if it's no fun then screw it. Glad you're leaving up the post. Take care!
Best wishes wherever your heart takes you. Thank you so very much for what you've given us.
Well it's a darn shame is what it is but as has been noted, if it ain't fun don't bother.
Still, remember that the fewer cool people like you there are, the more the blogsphere will consist of...well...the other kind of people.
Hope to see you back soon.
Whether you return to blogging or not, best of luck in all your future endeavors. The Hamsterish Hoard will always be one of the best of the best.
"If it stops being fun, stop doing it" is a hard lesson some people never learn, so may you benefit by the wisdom of learning it... and, thank you ;)
wordverif: crodled - something to add to the hoard one day, mayhap
Thank ye kind for the well-wishes, all; it means more than you know --
I, too, will miss your blog. Thanks for leaving it archived. Hope you hook a big one.
Hope to see you back sometime, you have great ideas and they are always interesting to read.
Thank you very much for leaving the site up as an archive. It is lovely to have access to what you have posted in the past.
Kudos to you for leaving the blog up. Just because you don't want to play anymore right now is no need to take your dice and go home. :)
Hi Taichara, like bloggers stated above, you have a great blog. Even if going on hiatus, would you be interested in a link exchange? so when you recover you energies and come back, you can have a healthy crowd waiting for you with open arms. Let me know to send you info on my sites ^^
Aw, well damn... Blog author tries to think of inspiration ... it's not effective at all! ;) Roll 20, have a beer and be well.
Well, it's sad, but if you aren't having fun with it, then I can see why.
Also: Thanks for not taking it down. I have some stuff here that I posted in the comments and don't have anywhere else, like the Bellkeepers and the Tantalus Vine.
Since this is officially an archive now, can you stop limiting your rss feed so that we can aggregate the content? Right now you've got it crippled to only include a short blurb.
Taichara -- would you allow me to include some of your monsters in my Monster Book -- with proper credit of course? Please let me know! wilmanric/gmail/etc. Thanks for considering it!
Aye. You should definitely have a good rest. Who knows, maybe in an year or two something will rekindle the flame of the game. :)
Cheap international calls
1st a good rest & 2nd everyone is right don't fire bomb the blog there are people who are still getting awesome ideas & such out of it. If after a while you want to come back it will be there.
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