Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monster: Citipati

Armour Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2
Move: 210' (70')
Attacks: 2 claws + 1 bite
Damage: 1-8/1-8 + 1-6
No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-16)
Save As: F3
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 20

A strange avian beast, the citipati is long-necked and sports a respectable long, bony tail. Nine feet long and better, it is more heavily muscled than ostriches or even axebeaks; its head is large-eyed and roundly compact, with a deep beak like that of a parrot and two strange, conical teeth in the centre-line of its upper jaw. A citipati's wings are much too short to fly or even flutter, but the limbs bear three long, strong and supple fingers tipped with large curved claws and full feathering used for display. Many citipati develop a tall, narrow crest along the midline of their skulls which is sheathed in horn like their beak. Preferring dry grasslands and near-desert environments, its thick coat of feathers tend towards dappled dusty shades, with the males bearing markings in rust and metallic red along their cheeks and throughout the feathers of their wings.

In combat a citipati lashes out with its large claws and chopping beak, inflicting 1-8 and 1-6 hit points of damage respectively. Given enough maneuvering room it may also charge or trample, inflicting double damage from the claws on its feet and a few stray swipes of its wing-claws. If defending young citipati or a nest of eggs, an adult will have a morale of 10 and fight with a +2 bonus to hit and damage rolls.

It is possible to train citipati. A citipati may carry 1000cn, or 2000cn at half movement; though they cannot efficiently bear most riders, they are effective cart animals -- as efficient as mules in that capacity -- or pack animals.


trollsmyth said...

Another perfect fit for my campaign, especially as I was already using "terror birds" as the primary mounts in my campaign.

taichara said...


I really couldn't help myself; I quite like the critters *grins*

trollsmyth said...

You really need to quit that job so you can come play with us. ;)

taichara said...


Alas, I need the job to keep me able to work on anything game-related ;3

Anonymous said...

I think I want one.