Here we go again; but this time, with a little more seriousness than the "Mycelian Kingdom" -- a 'hack' of sorts of the first Final Fantasy, for the good ol' BEMCI Red Box. This is a work in progress, so please bear with me.
Also, apologies for those who have already seen the Arcanist class here on this blog, but it does truly belong in the hack.
Hey pretty cool idea! I've been wanting to see a FF 4e, but I never thought of a red box version.
A couple of my gamer friends are huge ff fans so it looks like it'd be fun to play with.
Hey pretty cool idea! I've been wanting to see a FF 4e, but I never thought of a red box version.
A couple of my gamer friends are huge ff fans so it looks like it'd be fun to play with.
Thank ye kindly! I'm glad you like it *grins* I'm still working out a few bugs -- and it's only basic level, of course -- but I think it can get extrapolated.
I'm tempted to convert a few more critters eventually, I do admit --
I've never played FF but I like the ideas in this. In some ways closer to how I'd run a pure fantasy world.
I've never played FF but I like the ideas in this. In some ways closer to how I'd run a pure fantasy world.
And now I'm curious! *grins* What aspects make it more like what you would like to run?
Totally adding this blog. I don't know why I didn't see your stuff earlier. Shame on me.
I participated in a weekly chat game for about a year or so where the DM was so enamored with FF that he basically ripped off most of the concepts/themes/motifs from the series and dumped them into his D&D world - to the point where every single town the party ventured to had the same carbon copied 'INN', 'WEAPON SHOP', 'ARMOR SHOP', and 'TEMPLE' and nothing else. It got really old, really fast.
Still, despite my past hang-ups with a D&D/FF crossover, I think this is a really fantastic idea. If there is a 'right' way to do this, I think it's important to try and retain some of the D&D 'feel' despite playing with a FF flavor.
Totally adding this blog. I don't know why I didn't see your stuff earlier. Shame on me.
Thank ye! I've gotten a little spotty as of late with posting; I'm likely more easily missed right now.
I participated in a weekly chat game for about a year or so where the DM was so enamored with FF that he basically ripped off most of the concepts/themes/motifs from the series and dumped them into his D&D world - to the point where every single town the party ventured to had the same carbon copied 'INN', 'WEAPON SHOP', 'ARMOR SHOP', and 'TEMPLE' and nothing else. It got really old, really fast.
Oh, oww. That's not just bad ripping off of FF, that's just plain bad DMing. You have my utmost sympathies.
Still, despite my past hang-ups with a D&D/FF crossover, I think this is a really fantastic idea. If there is a 'right' way to do this, I think it's important to try and retain some of the D&D 'feel' despite playing with a FF flavor.
I would make the argument one of two ways, if not both ...
On the first hand, that I am working on doing exactly that; a few extra classes and new monsters and magic won't change D&D overnight completely unless the DM using them consciously makes that effort.
On the second hand -- well, this is explicitly a FF hack; a certain attempt to emulate FF is the essential point of the hack *grins*
But in all honestly I think the feel is still there. YMMV, of course.
Is gone...oh noes...
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