Friday, May 1, 2009

Things being pondered ...

- Converting at least some of the content of Al-Qadim over to BEMCI. Classes and magic, at least, should be doable ... the sha'ir would require some thought, though ...

- Maybe some more FF critters. Maybe some critters and whatnot from another game (Luminous Arc would be interesting magic-wise).

- Flesh out and possibly tweak my psionic class.

- Why am I tempted to write stats for critters from Pern? *facepalms*


noisms said...

Why am I tempted to write stats for critters from Pern?Because you're insane?

taichara said...


I thought that was a given, actually ...

Though it could be worse: could be a temptation to stat critters from the Valdemar novels. ;3

trollsmyth said...

Hey, every game needs shoulder dragons! Er, I mean, fire lizards...

I'm using the FF critters pretty much as they are. Not much translation needed.

Anonymous said...

Though it could be worse: could be a temptation to stat critters from the Valdemar novels. ;3*coughagaincough*

You love Al Quadim. You know you want others to love it, too ~

taichara said...


Hehe. True, that ;3 And the temptation grows ...

Matthew Slepin said...

the sha'ir would require some thought, though ...The sha’ir is always the problem. Such a cool concept, but ill-served by the D&D mechanics. I’ve tried to fix it several times and never come up with anything really workable. But I’d love to see you come up with something.

taichara said...

@Matthew Slepin:

I'm still mulling the sha'ir over, and I quite agree with how badly the concept fits the ruleset. *grumbles*

If I work out any ideas, I'll be more than happy to share --

Matthew Slepin said...

The closest I got was the idea to use the 3.5 sorcerer for the sha'ir. So he could call up any spell he knew, but it was more work than a regular wizard (i.e. can do it less often). Not totally satisfied with that either, though.